Welcome to our clinic.

We are situated in the city Smørum on the adress: Skebjergvej 12 B, 2765 Smørum.

In Denmark the general practitioner act as representatives of the Danish National Health Care System.
Our job is to meet the patients needs, make the examinations, treat them and if necessary refer to a relevant specialist or hospital.

Who are we:
The clinic consists of a specialist in general medicine, Christina Gerlach Øgard MD, Phd. One nurse and one medical student.

What can we offer:
All general medical examinations and examinations of children. Pregnancy controls, laboratory tests , vaccinations and minor surgery.

What does it cost?
Provided you have your “yellow card” (the Danish health insurance card) consultations are free of charge. However, professional statements and immunizations are charged according to our price list.

If you are not a holder of the “yellow card”, consultations are charged 800 kroner.

How to contact us:
The Clinic is located
Skebjergvej 12 B
2765 Smørum

Phone: +45 69884040

How to see a doctor after office hours?
After 16.00 hours and in the weekends you can call 1813 with acute but no life-threatening problems.

In case of life threatening illness: Call 112

Remember that you can book an appointment, contact the doctors and renew your prescriptions on our website – www.egedallægeklinik.dk